WHEREAS, The Hispanic population in the United States has experienced an explosive increase in the last two decades growing to 50.4 million; and
WHEREAS, The largest growing sub-segments of the Hispanic community is 2nd and 3rd generation; and
WHEREAS, The LCMS Office of National Mission (ONM) has, in the last triennium, partnered with LCMS districts to plant new Hispanic outreach ministries; and
WHEREAS, Other programmatic, educational, and fellowship opportunities to promote and support Hispanic Ministry are being provided by the National Lutheran Hispanic Convention; and
WHEREAS, Concordia Publishing House has produced the Spanish-language version of The Lutheran Study Bible (La Bíblia de la Reforma), and a wide variety of additional, helpful Spanish-language resources; and
WHEREAS, The challenges of Hispanic ministry, whose souls constitute the largest ethnic population in North America, far outweighs people and financial resources; and
WHEREAS, A previous LCMS Convention received and supported the recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Task Force for Hispanic Ministry which included providing leadership, assessment and resourcing for LCMS Hispanic Ministry; therefore be it
Resolved, That the 66th 30 Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, joyously give all glory to God and resounding thanks for LCMS Hispanic Ministry, who with limited resources and budgets, work tirelessly to share the saving gospel of Jesus Christ with the growing number of Hispanics who now reside in the immediate neighborhoods and communities of our LCMS congregations; and be it further
Resolved, That ONM provide a renewed emphasis for ongoing and new Hispanic ministry work by resourcing ongoing efforts of LCMS districts and local congregations and providing appropriate financial resources to fund the effort; and be it finally
Resolved, That all LCMS districts and congregations continue to evaluate and make opportunity to reach out to Hispanic populations, whether in Spanish or in English.