To view resolutions, select a Floor Committee below:
Floor Committee | Floor Committee Name | Chairman | Title | District | Region |
FC-1 | National Witness (Reaching the Lost) | Rev. Mark Miller | DP | Central Illinois | Central |
FC-2 | International Witness (To All Nations) | Rev. Donald J. Fondow | DP | Minnesota North | Great Plains |
FC-3 | Mercy | Dr. R. Lee Hagan | DP | Missouri | Central |
FC-4 | Life Together | Rev. Dan P. Gilbert | DP | Northern Illinois | Great Lakes |
FC-5 | CTCR | Dr. Scott R. Murray | Fourth VP | Texas | West-Southwest |
FC-6 | Seminaries | Dr. James A. Baneck | DP | North Dakota Distict | Great Plains |
FC-7 | University Education | Rev. Timothy J. Scharr | DP | Southern Illinois | Central |
FC-8 | Parochial Schools | Dr. Dean W. Nadasdy | DP | Minnesota South | Great Plains |
FC-9 | Finance | Dr. Daniel P. May | DP | Indiana | Central |
FC-10 | Funding the Mission / Stewardship | Rev. Dwayne M. Lueck | DP | North Wisconsin | Great Lakes |
FC-11 | Structure and Administration | Rev. Terry L. Cripe | DP | Ohio | East-Southeast |
FC-12 | Ecclesiastical Supervision and Dispute Resolution | Dr. John C. Wille | DP | South Wisconsin | Great Lakes |
FC-13 | Routes to Ministry | Dr. Roger C. Paavola | DP | Mid-South | Central |
FC-14 | Church and Culture | Rev. Terry C. Forke | DP | Montana | Great Plains |
FC-15 | Reformation | Rev. Peter K. Lange | DP | Kansas | Central |
FC-16 | Family, Youth and Young Adults | Rev. Timothy Yeadon | DP | New England | East-Southeast |
FC-17 | Preaching and Church Worker Continuing Education | Dr. Brian S. Saunders | DP | Iowa East | Great Lakes |
FC-18 | Worker Wellness | Dr. David P. E. Maier | DP | Michigan | Great Lakes |
FC-19 | Registration, Credentials, and Elections | Rev. Gregory S. Walton | DP | Florida-Georgia | East-Southeast |