Overtures 11-05, 11-17, 11-21, 11-40 (CW, pp. 384, 391-392, 401)
WHEREAS, The Synod's Constitution establishes the principle that each congregation or multi-congregation parish has two votes at district conventions; and
WHEREAS, The purpose of the current process of electing the Synod President is to give all the congregations a voice in the election of the President; therefore be it
Resolved, That the following changes to the following bylaws be adopted:
PRESENT/PROPOSED WORDING The Secretary of the Synod, using lists of delegates in attendance at the prior year's district conventions as submitted by the secretaries of the districts,shall compile and maintain the voters list for the election of the President of the Synodin coordination with the secretaries of the districts. This list and any of its parts shall not be disseminated.
(a) This voters list shall include:
(1) the pastor of each member congregation or multi-congregation parish
(2) a lay person from the congregation or parish two voting delegates from each congregation in attendance at the previous district conventions who remains members of the congregations they represented.
(b) In the case of a congregation with more than one pastor eligible to vote, the congregation must designate to the Secretary of the Synod which pastor will cast the vote for the congregation.If one or both delegates are unavailable, congregations shall be provided opportunity 1 to select substitute voters. Four weeks prior to the national convention, the Secretary of the Synod shall provide, via a secure and verifiable method, opportunity for two voting delegates from each congregation, as determined according to Bylaw, in attendance at the previous district conventions (or substitute voters selected according to Bylaw [b]) to vote for one of the candidates for President. The Secretary shall, with the approval of the Board of Directors of the Synod, obtain the assistance necessary to accomplish this task. If no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast, the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be retained on the ballot, and another vote shall be taken in the same manner.