The scores for each Resolution are an attempt to predict which resolutions are likely to attract the most attention at the upcoming convention.
SCORE RANGE: 1-5, where 1 = low and 5 = high
L = Likelihood of adoption. For example, Commendation Resolutions are usually easy to pass, so would score 5.
S = Strengthens Doctrine & Practice. Is the Resolution faithful to Scripture and our Confessions? Does it entrench them?
F = Strengthens Walking in Fellowship. Does the Resolution enhance Synodical values?
P = Synod Priority. What is the priority of the Resolution for the Synod, especially with reference to S&F above?
X = Executable. Does the Resolution have a realistic goal? Can it be achieved with measurable results?
The final score is based on weightings (see below). A low score means the Resolution is likely a pro-forma matter. A high value means it is likely to be contested.
Category Weightings
L = 10%
S = 30%
F = 25%
P = 20%
X = 15%