Report R1 (CW, p. 3); Overture 14-02 (CW, p. 465)
WHEREAS, The Lutheran Church confesses that we, as people redeemed by Christ, live as citizens of both realms (two kingdoms), who acknowledge the reign of God through His Word and through civil authorities (Phil. 3:20; 1 Peter 2:13); and
WHEREAS, Christians are called to live out their vocations faithfully to God and in service to the neighbor (1 Peter 4:12–19; Rom. 12:1; Small Catechism Table of Duties); and
WHEREAS, When civil authorities command that we disobey what our Lord commands, “we must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29); and
WHEREAS, The church’s power and authority flows from the Word of God alone and is not a coercive authority (Tr 31–37); and
WHEREAS, Spiritual and civil authority therefore ought not be “mixed” or confused (AC XXVIII 12), and the church itself, as God’s “right hand kingdom,” ought not to seek civil rule and authority (see AC XXVIII, Tr 2, 49– 52; Brief Statement § 34); therefore be it
Resolved, That the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in convention urge all congregations, pastors, church workers and members to support, teach and live out the biblical doctrines of vocation and of the two kingdoms regarding the relationship between church and state; and be it further
Resolved, That members of the LCMS be encouraged as individual citizens of the left hand kingdom to exercise their rights and responsibilities and within their vocations to hold positions of civil power and authority in government and business (AC XVI; Ap XVI); and be it further
Resolved, That members of the LCMS pray for and seek the good of all, giving special regard to governmental policies that allow the church to practice its faith freely and without hindrance (1 Tim. 2:1–2); and be it further
Resolved, That members of the LCMS pray for Judge Ruth Neely, a member of the LCMS congregation in Pinedale, Wyoming, whose job is threatened as a result of her public confession of the truth concerning marriage (See Caspar Star Tribune, May 6, 2016); and be it finally
Resolved, That in the face of hostility and resistance to the Gospel and to the historic teachings of the church, the LCMS in convention encourage the members of LCMS congregations to bear witness to Christ and the truth of the Gospel in word and deed (Acts 4:19).