To Reaffirm Witness, Mercy, Life Together as the Mission and Ministry Emphasis for the 2016–2019 Triennium
Overtures 4-04–11, 4-27, 16-01 (CW, pp. 330–332, 338, 476)
WHEREAS, Our commitment together as LCMS congregations and workers is to walk together with the Word of God as our only norm and guide for doctrine and practice; and
WHEREAS, The current triennial emphasis of “Witness, Mercy, Life Together” established at our 2013 Synod convention has served the Synod well and has blessed congregations with a richer understanding of the nature and mission of the Church of Christ; and
WHEREAS, Nine (9) of 35 districts submitted overtures to the 2016 convention suggesting mission and ministry | Pa g e emphases 1 for the 2016–2019 triennium; and
WHEREAS, These submissions continue to focus on our life together, service to our community and to those in need, and reaching out with the Gospel; and
WHEREAS, These submissions have given special focus to ministering to families, people of different nations, and people of different races; therefore be it
Resolved, That the 2016 LCMS convention reaffirm the threefold emphasis of “Witness, Mercy, Life Together,” including the following six priorities:
• Plant, sustain, and revitalize Lutheran churches
• Support and expand theological education
• Perform human care in close proximity to Word and Sacrament ministries
• Collaborate with the Synod’s members and partners to enhance mission effectiveness
• Promote and nurture the spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being of pastors and professional church workers
• Enhance early childhood, elementary and secondary education, and youth ministry
and be it further
Resolved, That a seventh priority be established:
• Strengthen and support the Lutheran family in living out God’s design
and be it finally
Resolved, That special focus be given toward:
• Ministry to and with people of different nations and people of different races
• Preaching and Bible study
• Visitation