Report R64 (CW, pp. 268–296); Overtures 6-03, 6-07–08, 6-11, 6-13, 6-15 (CW, pp. 357–362)
WHEREAS, One of the objectives of the Synod is to “recruit and train pastors, teachers, and other professional church workers and provide opportunity for their continuing growth” (Constitution Article III 3); and
WHEREAS, The 2013 Resolution 5-14A Task Force (Convention Workbook, R64 “The Task Force”) undertook a study of the various means by which the Synod prepares, examines, and certifies men for the pastoral office as ministers of religion—ordained of the Synod; and
WHEREAS, The task force reported that it “has concluded that all of these several means [Master of Divinity (both seminaries), Alternate Route (both seminaries), Center for Hispanic Studies (St. Louis), Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology (St. Louis), Deaf Institute of Theology (St. Louis), Cross-Cultural Ministry Center (St. Louis), and Specific Ministry Pastor Program (both seminaries)] by which the church recruits, trains, and certifies men to be placed into the pastoral office are both appropriate and needed for the life and mission of our Synod, and ought to be recognized as such by the Synod” (R64, p. 276); and
WHEREAS, The task force has recognized “the need to provide for greater coordination and collaboration between our two seminaries” (R64, p. 279); and
WHEREAS, The task force recommended “that there be an entity ensuring that the seminaries do coordinate and collaborate with respect to these various programs” (R64, p. 279); therefore be it
Resolved, That Bylaw 3.10 be amended as follows:
((( See resolution for wording ))))
and be it further
Resolved, That current sections D, E, and F of Bylaw section 3.10 (“Other Councils, Committees, and Boards”) be relabeled and renumbered accordingly; and be it finally
Resolved, That Bylaw be amended as follows: The Chief Mission Officer shall, on behalf of the President, provide leadership, coordination, and oversight for pre-seminary education programs, seminary education, and post-seminary continuing education, and by providing advocacy for pastoral education and health within the Synod. He shall serve as the chairman of the Pastoral Formation Committee.
[The estimated cost to implement this proposed resolution appears in the Report of the Finance Floor Committee – found in Sunday’s issue of Today’s Business.]